TAF Transfers Their Thrift Shop to Second Chance!
Telluride Animal Foundation and Second Chance Humane Society are announcing an exciting change for both organizations in the transfer of the Telluride Thrift Shop to Second Chance Humane Society. Beginning August 1st, the Telluride Thrift Shop, opened November 2011, will be fully owned and operated by Second Chance Humane Society. Second Chance, which has run its Ridgway Thrift Shop since 1998, will now be operating both shops to directly support animal rescue and outreach programs.
The transfer will allow Telluride Animal Foundation to focus solely on its outreach and massive spay/neuter programs throughout the four corners region and allow Second Chance to focus on local animal rescue and outreach programs in a clearer distinction of roles. Since 2011, the Telluride Animal Foundation has spayed and neutered over 5,000 animals and distributed close to $450,000 for various animal outreach initiatives. The incredibly successful Telluride Thrift Shop, which grosses over $200,000/year, has helped the Telluride Animal Foundation make a major impact on animal programs throughout the region, and it’s founders, Josh Rapaport and Katja Wichland, are thrilled that the shop will continue to make such an effect on animal welfare in the region. And, as it was originally intended, the shop will remain a staple of the local community and a hub for animal rescue.
Second Chance Executive Director Kelly Goodin commented, “We are very grateful to the Telluride Animal Foundation for the hard work they put in to make the Telluride Thrift Shop so successful and for entrusting Second Chance to continue pushing the Shop’s potential forward. This truly is a win-win situation for both organizations and the community and we couldn’t be more excited about the possibilities it presents. And, as the proceeds from both shops will continue to fund animal welfare programming, animals in need benefit most of all.” In addition to their local rescue and outreach programs, Second Chance will provide an annual grant of $50,000.00 to the Telluride Animal Foundation for seven plus years to help provide further animal outreach and spay/neuter clinics in the greater area.
In collaboration with the Telluride Thrift Staff, Second Chance Thrift Shop Manager, Lynda Burns will apply her 10 plus years of experience with the Ridgway Thrift Shop to ensure a smooth transition. “We plan on creating a more streamlined system between both shops resulting in a more efficient and productive experience for donors and customers. Through this approach this transfer just makes sense and will simply amplify the performance that either shop can do singularly.”
“This opportunity comes at the perfect time”, shared Goodin. “We just celebrated our 20 year anniversary and the opening of our new dog facility which, although it more than doubles our capacity to rescue dogs (from 10 to now 25 dogs), our operational expenses have increased. Additionally, with the capital campaign behind us we can now focus more resources on expanding our community programs and services.”
Second Chance, will increase the store’s capacity to receive and sell donations and will be able to transfer items between both shops based upon varying space and market limitations and demands. Second Chance will still be available to pick up large donations in the Telluride area to transfer to its Ridgway Shop which holds space for larger items that the Telluride Shop cannot receive.
Both shops will continue serving as a major source of repurposing of quality items, from clothing to household goods and furniture, jewelry, and truly anything of resale value, with the exception of electronics. Questions about either Shop can be directed to Lynda Burns at 970.626.3233.
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